45.33339ºN, 75.58429º W
Ottawa, ON
The data below is based on gridded climate data, specific to this location. As such, the data represents an average across the grid within the location you have selected.
Explore below to view a number of key variables related to past and future climate at this location.
For the 1971-2000 period, the annual average temperature was ºC. Under a high emissions scenario, annual average temperatures are projected to be ºC for the 2021-2050 period, ºC for the 2051-2080 period and ºC for the last 30 years of this century.
Average annual precipitation for the 1971-2000 period was mm. Under a high emissions scenario, this is projected to be % higher for the 2051-2080 period and % higher for the last 30 years of this century.
Seasonal and monthly changes in precipitation may be quite different from these annual average values. Use the Variable menu option to explore projected changes at these shorter time frequencies.
* These values reflect those of the ~10 km x 6 km grid cell that Ottawa lies within and do not necessarily reflect the exact point that you select, particularly in areas with varying microclimates.