Training Materials
Download training materials in PowerPoint presentation format to use in your own training sessions. This presentation introduces the concept of climate information and its importance in decision-making. The slides provide the basic framework for a presentation and include detailed speaker notes.
This presentation is intended:
- For a beginner audience with little science or climate change background
- To serve as a base for a webinar or workshop presentation
- To be tailored to the audience’s knowledge level, sector, region or profession
- To be supported by case studies, more climate information or exercises
After viewing the presentation, the audience should:
- Understand the importance of considering climate change in decision-making
- Be more familiar with key concepts regarding historical climate trends and future climate
- Understand the basics of climate projections and emissions scenarios
- Understand there is a range of possible climate futures
- Be aware of possible applications of climate information
- Know where to find climate information
Produced by the Canadian Centre for Climate Services (CCCS), Ouranos and the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC).
Download presentation (29 Mbs)